Happily enchanted with the sand on his toes. : )
Growing Up Connor
I Heart Faces.
10:09 AM
My dog Buttercup. She's not angry, I promise. This would be her choking on some sort of hairball, ha.
9:56 PM
Have you ever seen a more graceful teenager? I haven't, that's for sure. I remember back to when I had my senior photo(s) taken. * SHUDDER * The standard, head leaning on hand shot... the black background. * YAWN * Times are a'changing, photo styles are changing. Thank goodness. : )
~ Deb
Oh My.
10:06 AM
I just had to share this shot from a session I did about a week ago. I think it's my new favorite shot of all time. More pics to come... hopefully soon!
~ Deb
This, that & the other.
8:03 AM
I know it's been ages since I've updated here, so this post is going to contain a hodgepodge of different images from some of my recent photo sessions. I've finally burst into this years wedding season and it's been INSANE (but in a good way)! My official site now has a wedding section in the gallery and I look forward to filling it up some more with tons of new samples. Thanks to all who have booked with me this year-- you're keeping my busy and I am loving every minute of it.
~ Deb
Sorry for the double here-- I can't decide which version I like best!
That's it for now... a zillion more to follow... someday. ; )
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About Me

- A note from Deb...
- Photography is my passion. Please feel free to leave a comment, I value your thoughts... it totally makes my day when people take the time to drop a line or two. If you live in the Milwaukee or Waukesha area and are in need of a photographer-- shoot me an email for pricing. To visit my portfolio and view more of my photography samples, please visit:
Take care, and thanks for stopping by!